How to add collections of maps
Zpět na Centrum nápovědyPublikováno: 2020年7月15日To upload your maps to OldMapsOnline we need to receive an excel spreadsheet with basic information about each map.
Each spreadsheet must have the following columns:
id: Your unique identifier
viewer: URL to the zoomable viewer of the scan on the web
title: Title of the map
date_from, date_to: Date of what is depicted on the map, not the publishing date;
- if you know the exact date, then in either YYYY, YYYY-MM or YYYY-MM-DD format
- if you know only the century, then as YYXX; eg. 16XX for 1600-1699
north: Latitude of the north-most point
south: Latitude of the south-most point
east: Longitude of the east-most point
west: Longitude of the west-most point
thumbnail: URL to thumbnail
Link to sample metadata spreadsheet:
Please use a validator to test your spreadsheet is correct.
Test here: